Friday, all happy. When I'm about to leave the office, mom called up saying that she will be dining out with her friends. Fine. Anyway, I decided not to stay and left the building, strode down the street with the rain pouring on my head, not too heavy, just miserable drizzle. I called A, she's already dining with her bf and will then go pak tor and watch movie. Fine. Called B, oh still working. Fine. Called C, engaged. Fine. Called D, reached home and about to dine at home as well. Fine. Called E, another engaged. Fine. If I wasn't t stuck in the middle of the traffic jam, I would have already gone back to the office and work till mid night... Anyway, I took another route home but to realise later that I was stranded for an even longer time. Fine. Before I finally reached home, utterly bleak I took a quick turn into McD, but before I at last drove through and takeaway, I called F, who's still sleeping and told me that he already had his dinner. Fine. I bought a set of filet-o-fish and then drove back home. Not until I finished my McD, I sniffed the aroma of fried chicken, the one who was sleeping and told me he was full just half an hour ago, was caught gnawing at a box of KFC......
Forsaken, I reckon that I have no family, no friends, no nothing.
Home, alone. Thanks goodness, it's Friday...
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6 months ago
u should hv called me. =P Being alone is pleasurable, sometimes.
gam dong le ah fuu...
but i know u went to 1U hang gai d...
ahhahaa. tat one mahh..ahmm.... >.<
gal,u r not alone de...coz u havent call me on tat day...if u did call me then i will "fei che" come to meet u...haha!!!enjoy ur time being alone soemtimes coz u "mou gei ho" alone de =p
best regards,
gam dong le wanjiun...><~~~
but i know u r still P-zai,
better dun fei che...
nanti potong markah,
gantung lesen!
if me being gantung lesen then u fetch me la..wakakka...
best regards,
i fetch ur head, hahaah... =p
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