It's 6 now and i actually reach home half an hour ago. The first day is just as what the title reflects, it is literally a pretending to be busy day, while all others are in fact really really busy... Due to the free-ness, I was allowed to go home early today... yipee!!!
Well, very abnormally I slept at 9 yesterday, woke up around 11 but luckily still manage to get back to sleep... All because of the tiredness that I piled up day before yumcha-ing with the power rangers, which I only got 4 hours of sleep, SO i can sleep so early yesterday =p Here my working life start, gonna sleep early rise early niao...
Didn't do much, except sorting out the latest magazine for my boss, flipping through the reports they've done last year, which I have less idea of what the table shows -_- and I actually started googling the those media terminologies that I don't know or that I've learnt before but forgot -____- aih, life is tough ar...
But ha good thing is that they provide free flow of magazine in the office, from local ones to the very cun imported mag... and so the rest of the day I was occupied by the magazines while the other colleagues were all still very busy. Sound that I could possibly hear comes only from keyboard typing, mouse clicking, once in a while overheard them talking to clients, all were so serious... Remember what the IT guy who came setting up my computer for me this morning told me that "Since you're in this team, don't try to download MSN, or you'll kena nanti!" >_<>
Till then.
*I start to miss the time back at home already... =s
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無意中看到「溫度日記 Hearty
6 months ago
ahhahaa, so panai. Sleep kao kao b4 goin to work. *salute*
Yerrrrr, imported mag, syoknya! Manzz, those are expensive ler -__-wanna buy oso think 3 think 4. Haha, no MSN. Hmmm... suan le ba. Mayb next time u'll hv an Extremely busy day n dun hv the time to chat. So MSN will not b a distraction. =P
Anywayz, ahhaha, hope u like n enjoy ur job la! Cheeroz..!
wah, cool!!!!! meebo rulez!
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