Today, it's the first time that I had my lunch with ky, finally... happy now, we used to study together and we're working under the same building now, haha... So happen that the lunch was served so late, I went back to office a bit late than usual, which my colleagues who went for lunch later than me have even come back earlier than me. Regardless of what, I knew that I was going to have to OT tonight, even on the coming public holiday... =_=
Shortly after I came back to my seat, I was quite bothered by some noise come by the window. In the end, I was so shocked to find out that a man was actually dangling outside. At once I asked my colleagues to see and jokingly I told them there's a spiderman out there. With two slim strings holding on his waistline, he's all drenched from tip to toe. While trying to clean the window, he kept kicking against the window from time to time as if trying to grab for a better leverage so he won't be swinging too far off, or maybe the wind today was just too strong to bear with. The sun was glaring too. With all these in sight, I felt that I was just so bad and shallow to have actually made fun of him. I then started to observe him, his every move in cleaning the window have reminded me of my father who's making a living so far off our home. Seeing this window-cleaner had urged a gust of sourness in my nostril, yet I'm glad that my father won't need to risk his life being a window-cleaner. Mind you, my office is at 10th floor...
Well, it has been two days I didn't see my family, let alone chatting with them. Though every evening, I'll receive their call to ask me when will I be home. In the morning when I woke up, they've all gone out; whereas at night when I came back from work, they were already sleeping. I didn't get to see them at all. Not even a glance... To top it off, I've heard of too much sad news this week, from one I read from newspaper to the one that recounted by my friend. I don't know where to start, and certainly do not know when is it going to end.
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無意中看到「溫度日記 Hearty
6 months ago
TIME probably not allow u to spare it among u urself n ur acquaintances. Seekin balance might b da way to mitigate da mind tat laden with negative emotions.
if there isnt any ripple on the still water, u wont know there's smth tat lie beneath. See things in another perspective could avail. This is life, n life still goes on while others ceased. Me oso dunno when will those saddish things end. See step walk step la~ Cheeroz~~ Ariel. =)
Something I read today...
cassie: ya, see steps walk steps lor... more steps ahead i know...
sia: haa! i've come across it before. interesting one. i like the one Sony Ericsson did. super cool!
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