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6 months ago
hi dear!!!
yah, a lot of agencies like this look for foreign (asian) to work as maid or nanny!!!
sometimes the ad is so vague, they will just say opportunity to work closely with a family and looking after thier child, full accomodation & meals included etc etc, making it sound so comfortable, but it really is a nanny's job.
but i also have friends, who holds a degree in masscomm/psychology/marketing from philippines, who're also working as maid / waitresses in singapore, cos really it pays much much better than wht they will earn at home.
so i guess its the same for this ads in france... sometimes u wonder, shud u work for the sake of the money? or shud u not work for the sake honour? if u know wht i mean??~~
i think every people have their very own reason(s) to choose their jobs.
Some go for money some go for their own dreams.
Some look for experiences and some look for developments.
Some even been into the "you choose your job" or "your job chooses you" stage.
Some move backwards for happiness,
some move forwards for achievements.
anyway, there must be a path that you intended to walk on. The only thing that matter is you know what u want.
here is a site to share,
=) go see see
my dream is earn enough and be my own boss. so earning more is my principle now
Allow me to tell a little something from what i heard; the primary source would be Mr. TC Pang, as the person to be mentioned, is a client of him.
After form 5, this Mr. S, has to enter job market because he needs to find a living to feed his family.
Started as a cleaning assistant, he helped his boss, a cleaning contractor, to execute cleaning jobs, be it houses or offices.
Along the way, he worked various non-fixed work i.e. you get paid when you work.
2 years down the road, he set-up his own cleaning company, and start taking cleaning job and hire some assistants to help him with the chores.
That was 2003, and TC met him in 2008. Whereby, his latest status is seen here
Oh yes, like most of us, the year he came out from Form 5 was 2002.
Thank you.
thanks all ^^
*i have a dream~~~
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