buey tahan!!! XD
溫度日記 APP:用柔美的手繪插圖來療癒你的心、豐富你的手帳日記!(Android、iOS)
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6 months ago
OY!!! Ariel!!!!
naaaathing to do ya????
shigoto desu ne!!!! work work!!!
jyodan daiyo!~ what a joke!!!!!
lmao....can we get Genting to do this???? like for 1 buck 1 round...
yessssss! but lets not play money, those who lose have to run back to ur house in swimsuit, can? =p
GJ i'm coming!!! uncle aunty i'm coming!!! ^^
those litpungia reli creative...
gam dou dak, hehe
ahhaha, this clip. Apa sai so popular recently!!?
some seemed quite ridiculous at 1st> but after they figured out the tricks, then can win. ahaha.
especially the..err, issit '218'. Haha.
hmmmm.... i suggest to play with the pool of URINE! muahahahahaa.
yer so nice nia!~~ go GJ. ahha.
enjoy ur days there la~~~ =)
felice_memang oni lit pun gia can come up with such a game... *lol hard gay etc...
cassie_the most ridiculous part isn't the trick and pose, but the costume OMG!! wahaha... in fact the pool looks quite like urine colour, no? hehe...
memang looks like urine. hahaha.
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