Wednesday, November 04, 2009





JoonYeen said...

寂寞的时候,remind yourself on what you have come here to achieve! set yourself a goal and work towards it! You are at the beginning of a new phase and life! It will take some time getting used to it. Cheer up!

There will always be bad and good days! hang in there during the days when things just don't seem to go your way, and cherish every moment that you realise that you are indeed having fun!!!

lastly, 让 七天 好好地陪伴你吧 。。。

jooknun said...

raining day just make ppl feel blue. weekend just around the corner~ =)
cheer up.

BTW, i love russian red. so unique the voice and so pretty the face

creative hamba said...

一个人在办公室加班, 赶着明天要的报告, 而其他人却在享受着大鱼大肉的晚餐..

Fei said...

its weekend dear!!~ cheer up and listen to your favorite music and relax~~~ oh and dont forget to dreeaaammm!~

萨布丽娜 蛋 said...

加油! things will be different...
Give yourself and the new place some times. Never try never know~

至少你尝试过 就没有遗憾咯