life is giving so much indigestion than inspiration lately... but this post i can assure has perked my life up! having friends to remember your birthday is always the sweetest things!
some wishes i got from MSN... hehehe...
a full of sentiment one_
Fatty Felice: Happy Buff-day Ariel says:
i wonder y didn't i celebrate with u the earlier years.but..despite of how are we going to celebrate birthday every year from now on hope i can get ur best wishes on my birthday, n vice versa on ur birthday..
a very ngam teng one_
Fei Wen: 艾瑞尔生日快乐~roy,i appreciate ur effort. ^^ let u know soon. says:
hm, i just hope you stay happy as you are, its great energy, and......a boyfriend for you soon, a GOOD boyfriend.
a long lost one_
Fanny says:
a very lai pai one_
Tee:" Happy Birthday Ms Ariel..." says:
pretty + happy always.....
n may all ur wish come true.....
enjoy the day as it is a special day dedicated for u...
a far far away one_
Nic >> 2275 you worth it says:
happy birthday
happy not today so many ppl celebrate v u
wish u all the best and bright future
enjoy la is yours day
happy happy and happy birthday'
a sweet vocal_
P e A r L y P i k L i L y says:
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u...
happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to sweet ariel.....
happy birthday to u~~~~~~~~~
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6 months ago
6 comments: the sweetest
n agree with fw,
hope you'll get a good bf soon.
i still cannot believe she post her msn chat here!!!~~ LOL!!!~~ she's got the nerve!~
anyways, bday this year, next year and many years to come, u will celebrate with many diff ppl too~~ and it will be as memorable as any of these msgs!~
felice: anla u're always the sweetest as u always depp tong! *lol
fei wen: ol' friends are still the best! thanks for your surprised lunch... haha... okla, the surprise cake~ ^^ new hobby now is depp tong!!hahah
late birthday wish for u
happy birthday!!!!
hope next year and years after v still can celebrate together...
friendship forever..
creative hamba: thanks again for the belated birthday wishes~ friendship never dies... *blushed
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