Monday, October 30, 2006
the wake-up call
Monday, October 16, 2006
so long, farewell
Looking back at the last update of my previous post, i then realised that i had almost abandoned my blog here... paiseh* since July =p despite the fact that i have quite a number of blogs to maintain, i had dropped out of updating blog all this while was because of... was i too busy or was my mind too empty to even scribble down some thoughts? i wonder too... 4 months time in Liverpool had just passed as if it never happened before....... here's some quick update for you~ For the very one last time, we had our dinner at 'home' together. We had cola chicken and seaweed soup at this chilly night, yet everyone just felt so warm to be gathered together again, eating, talking crap, watching TV, laughing and etc. It shall be the first time that this tiny kitchen was squeezed in around 20 of us and yea i'm not joking! haha!
August's Mathew Street Festival at Albert Dock!! Lucky me still be able to catch up with it out of the tight due date schedule with the other coursemates! What's more, the MSF's opening night featured classical music with live orchestra!!! Not that i love classical music so, but just like it more than the contemporary pop music! As you can see in the picture, they had also fused the pop with the classical, which was very interesting!! However, the drizzling rain was the major disappointment of all as the event had to be ended earlier, as the MC said, their instruments worth of 6 figures, so they can't risk continue playing and let the rain damped it. Yet, blessing in disguise, we got to see the fireworks earlier!!
Everything had happened so not in chronological... Sometimes, i just couldn't be bothered of what happen first lead to what happen next. Till I arrange my photos. I'll update you with my adventure in September. Cya!